Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Green jobs: environmental careers

A panel held in the Student Union on Wednesday evening addressed the topic of green jobs and their significance to the world community. Panelists in attendance were there to help students with their questions on the subject of environmentally friendly careers, and how they can go about obtaining one.

"A lot of students ask about opportunities in jobs and careers that have to do with the environment," said Ed Brodka, Career Services moderator for the event. "It is an increasingly popular topic even when just reading local magazines like the Buffalo Supreme, or newspapers like The Buffalo News."

According to Walter Simpson, director of UB Green, there is a positive feeling towards the profession that makes those who are involved more motivated to make a difference.

"Green jobs incorporate doing something you believe in and enjoy, something that is consistent with your values, and making a profession out of it," Simpson said.

According to Dennis Ryan, president of SSL Industries, green businesses are better than most corporations because of their potential for growth. SSL Industries provides commercial businesses with energy-efficient lighting that substantially reduces operating expenses.

On the academic level as well as the corporate one, saving energy has become an area of interest, especially at UB.

"A student researched how to operate vending machines more efficiently," Simpson said. "The cost of the vending machines was $50,000 a year, however, the student proposed various way of reducing electricity, and UB became one of the first campuses to have energy star vending machines, saving approximately $20,000 a year."

Students like Simon Gendelman, a senior communication major, and Dan Forte, a junior communication major, have already put their foot in the door of securing a green profession. Both students are active members of the ECO-sponsible team at UB and are passionate about making a difference.

"We are doing great things for the future of our environment," Forte said.

Positions are available with various companies for interns and recent graduates looking to land their first job.

"We are looking for self-motivated students who want to be a part of student organizations that are going to make a difference," Ryan said. "They must have initiative and the ability to execute a plan. [Candidates] should be able to step forward and seize opportunities to get involved in the green business."

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